
Crossroads Church

What is Develop U?

Develop U is a series of discipleship groups taking place on Wednesday nights at 7 pm, all across our campus. We love small groups and the growth that happens when we meet together…but let’s face it, it’s hard to clear another night of the week, find a babysitter, and commit to a small group. Develop U is meant to make small groups easy. Our groups will meet on campus (so you know the location is clean and safe) and will meet on Wednesday nights so your children will be cared for. And we aren’t just offering childcare, but spiritual development so the entire family can grow in God! 


Develop U groups will meet from May 1st through August 28th. Check out the groups we are offering this semester and join us for our Develop U kick-off party on May 1st at 7 pm in our Event Center. 

Some People’s Kids

Leaders: Pastors Marc and Talena Johnson

Location: Event Center

Life is often messy and complicated. We have this picture in our minds of what a perfect marriage or family looks like. When we hold our own marriages and families next to this idealized image, we always fall short. Some People’s Kids is a relaxed and conversational class to help marriages and families find their unique anointing and to then flourish within that anointing. Every home is infused with its own brand of “Crazy”…Let’s laugh and learn together because we are all “Some People’s Kids”

Faith Foundations

Leader: Pastor Elias

Location: Conference Room

Join Pastor Elias as he discusses the core foundations of what it means to be a “follower of Christ.” This class is meant for those who are new to Christianity, as well as those looking to re-enforce what they believe.


Leaders: Donna Kiper and Holly Stimson

Location: Guest Reception

Captivated is a class specifically for women to grow in their faith and to develop strong friendships with other women of faith. Teachers Donna and Holly will teach through the spiritual-development book Captivated. Join them for an amazing time of fellowship and growth!

The Beast or the Lamb

Leaders: Jason Taylor and Landon House

Location: Dining Room

Jason Taylor and Landon House, two of Crossroads’ Elders, will lead a small group of men through a discipleship course for on discernment in the last days.  We are living in what could be the last days before Jesus’ return.  If ever there was a time for men to be leading their families with discernment, it is now.  The group will work through a Derek Prince book titled The Beast or The Lamb.  The Bible warns that many will be deceived the last days.  If you are a father and husband, you have a responsibility to lead with truth and discernment.

English as a Second Language

Leader: Elizabeth Gamboa

Location: Crossroads Chapel Meeting Room (the Lodge)

This class is for those who speak Spanish as their primary language. Esta clase presentará a los estudiantes conceptos básicos, estructura de oraciones y frases de uso común en inglés. Damos la bienvenida a todas nuestras familias hispanas que estén interesadas en aprender inglés como segundo idioma a unirse a nosotros.

Intro to Spanish

Leader: Yashira Jantes

Location: WAC 1

Join Yashira Jantes as she gives everyone an introduction to Spanish. During this time you will learn basic sentence structure and commonly used phrases to help you begin a journey of learning Spanish as a second language.


Prayer, Power, Presence

Leader: Susanna Lorg

Location: WAC 2

Description coming soon.


Young & Free

Leader: Preston Rich

Location: WAC 4

Description coming soon.