Session Three:
Faith Foundations
Prayer seems so religious to most people. But in any relationship, if there is no communication that relationship begins to die. Don’t let images in your mind about what prayer is or isn’t keep you from beginning to practice one of the most important steps in your faith-life. To be a Christian simply means that you have decided to follow Christ and that, quite simply, means to begin to have a relationship with Jesus.
Prayer is as simple as a conversation with Jesus. You can ask your questions, tell Him your needs, and even pray for other people. Even Jesus would pray to His Father in heaven on many occasions. And here is something even more profound … as you learn to listen you will learn how to hear His voice as He speaks to you.
God Communicates Through:
- His People—the church
- Prayer—two-way conversation with God
- His Holy Word—the Bible Then you will call on me and pray to me, and I will listen to you
Ephesians 6:18 says:
And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people
Here’s a quick start guide to help you develop a healthy prayer routine.
- Set aside a time each day – a time of day when you are alert and focused
- Pick a place each day – a place where you feel safe and away from distractions
- Pray out loud – It will feel awkward at first, but stick with it…it’s worth it
- Be specific
- How do you feel you communicate best with other people? Try the same with God.
- What is a good time and place you can begin this prayer journey with God? Don’t forget to be specific in all your prayers and perhaps even keep a log of the prayers you pray. This can help when you go back and see the faithfulness of God in your prayer life.