Session One:
Following Christ
Faith Foundations
What Just Happened?
In this session we will talk briefly about the decision you made to follow Christ. But the main part of what you will learn will have to do with what happened spiritually when you made your decision to follow Christ.
The Bible says in II Corinthians 5:17:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come.
Bible Reading
Please take the time to read the following verses in your Bible. If you don’t have a Bible, you can download a free Bible App on your phone. Go to the App Store and search for Bible. I suggest the BibleGateway App; YouVersion App; or the OliveTree App
- John 1:12 and John 3:16
- Matthew 19:25-26
- Romans 10:9-13
The first thing you must understand is that giving your life to Jesus as Lord is the beginning of a relationship; it’s a journey. No person, when they marry their spouse, says “well, now that’s done I’m glad I don’t have talk to that person again.” Salvation is not a “cure all” or a “fix it” button, it’s a lifelong journey that will bring you amazing benefits on this earth and in heaven.
Many times, right after someone accepts Jesus as their Savior, those negative voices come out of the woodwork. Many times, the loudest voice demands to know how your “religion” is any better than anyone else’s.
Read John 14:6 for the Biblical response.
Be encouraged that your simple act of faith and belief in your heart, unashamed and in front of others, be it a raised hand or a prayer you prayed, that step of faith made all the difference. And now it is time to turn that step of faith into a walk of faith.
Please read the questions below, and take the time to write out your answers. Email me your responses and I will be glad to respond quickly. I want to help you and walk with you on this new journey you are embarking on.
- Write a brief explanation of the decision you made. Include where you were, whom you were with, and who or what had the greatest influence on you for this decision.
- Now, lets take one look back at the old you. Please take just a moment to describe who you were and the kinds of things you were doing before you made your decision.
- Take a moment to talk about any changes you have seen in yourself since making your decision for Christ. You may also include anything others have noticed as well.
- Describe the decision you believe you made when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
- Please list any burning questions you have about God or anything related to your faith.